Rock Mandala Painting

November 11, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1 out of 15 remaining tickets available

Saturday, November 11th.

Come for a fun beginning class on Mandala (dot) Rock Painting.  No experience necessary.  All the materials are provided and there will be a brief introduction and demonstration to get your creative juices going.

Please go on line and pull up pictures of Rock Mandala painting to get some ideas before you come.  Please be sure to arrive 10 minutes before the class so we can start on time. A reminder email will be sent out a week prior.  PLEASE let us know if you need to cancel.

Grace did a rock painting class last year and it was so much fun! FYI. Cost is to cover materials and a fund raising for Unity.  

Bring a favorite flat rock if you have it.  Some rocks will be provided.

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