SEE Class: Healing and Wholeness

June 21, 2023 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Taught by Theresa Krieger

Using Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters, this class will take a dive into her methods of understanding the body, her teaching of effectively using prayer, and her system of three-fold healing. Participants will learn practices on how to read the body's signals for imbalance, how to sustain new life-giving habits using "seeing" faith, and how to allow the body's natural healing mechanism to continuously and spontaneously unfold.

This class is part of a 6-week series and will be held every Wednesday from 6/21/2023 - 7/26/2023 from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM.

Class is via Zoom only.

Required materials: Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters. Here's an Amazon link to purchase

Watch an introduction video here.


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