In this course we will explore the meaning, impact, and implications of Christ consciousness and how that relates to and differs from Jesus. We will explore Bible scriptures, Unity teachings, and our own innate wisdom and generative collective knowledge. Participants will experientially engage their personal beliefs about Jesus Christ, Christ consciousness and how intentionally engaging and evolving our thinking about these powerful concepts can forward our own spiritual awakening and our journey through this human life. The purpose of this course is to help you examine your beliefs about the Christ. You may discover that as a result of your study, youll want to modify some of your existing beliefs. Perhaps the work will lead you to confirm beliefs you already hold. In any case, after your study in this course is complete, you can expect not only to be more comfortable with your own understanding of the Christ, but also to be able to help others clarify their own understanding.
Taught by Cylvia Hayes
This is an online event, via Zoom and repeats DAILY from 6/12/2023 - 6/16/2023
Required Materials that attendees should get prior to class:
Bible, New Revised Standard EditionThe Revealing Word, Unity Worldwide Ministries
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